Fakemon - #P03 - Mankanaka (V2) (Pokemon Orpheus)KyleOliver-Art on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kyleoliver-art/art/Fakemon-P03-Mankanaka-V2-Pokemon-Orpheus-918511466KyleOliver-Art

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Fakemon - #P03 - Mankanaka (V2) (Pokemon Orpheus)



Unlike the Basic and Stage 1, the update for Mankanaka was a complete redraw. I was unsatisfied with the look of the original version and I really like how this one ended up. I think it not only is just a better general quality, but I think it better embodies its Fighting-type that it gains. 

P003 - Mankanaka (Manta + Kanaka [meaning "man" in Hawaiian])

STAGE 2 (Evolves from Mankiki) - PSYCHIC/FIGHTING-type

I made this for the Pokemon Orpheus project. 

Evolution Line: 
Fakemon - #P01 Manpepe (V2) (Pokemon Orpheus) by KyleOliver-Art Fakemon - #P02 Mankiki (V2) (Pokemon Orpheus) by KyleOliver-Art
Image size
9000x9000px 9.08 MB
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PokemonCMG's avatar

If this was revealed to be a new Pokemon in Generation 9, it would immediately be a darling fan favorite. Solid.