Fakemon: AstroladoeDragonessNova on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonessnova/art/Fakemon-Astroladoe-890374639DragonessNova

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Fakemon: Astroladoe



The Constellations fakemon

Astroladoe spends their time in places with excellent views of the sky, whether that be on land or actually in the sky, making mini star replicas and reading the constellations. They like to make their own shapes with the replicas. Astroladoe has 3 fire temperatures: 
coldest heat - red
medium heat - yellow
hottest heat - blue

They are naturally curious but not foolishly so

(is for the fusion/fakemon art challenge my friend is doing) 
Image size
1750x2450px 2.14 MB
© 2021 - 2025 DragonessNova
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TwilitOkami's avatar

I like what you did with the hair