Fagopyrum esculentumArt0fKelpie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/art0fkelpie/art/Fagopyrum-esculentum-935449064Art0fKelpie

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Fagopyrum esculentum


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A few days later Orwhal was well again and the healer gently but firmly kicked us out, too happy to get rid of the grumpy old man. 

Our next and final stop was the Valley of a Thousand Flowers and to get there we travelled along small paths through meadows and cultivated fields.

It was in one of these fields that we saw a whole colony of akhene dragons. Well camouflaged in the buckwheat field, the creatures watched us as much as we watched them, all busy pollinating and laying eggs in the flowers.

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BittyBatties's avatar

i absolutely adore everything about this! you have a great sense of composition!