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Artist // Professional // Varied
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
My Bio

I was born and raised in Washington State and I currently reside in New Mexico.

I create handmade books and journals. I also make and sell greeting cards.

I enjoy turning aspects of my favorite things into journals, sketchbooks and funny greeting cards in the hopes that others will enjoy my creations.

Favourite Visual Artist
Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Tim Wistrom
Favourite Movies
House of 1000 Corpus, Pulp Fiction, and The Little Mirmaid
Favourite TV Shows
Daria, The Waking Dead, and The Monsters Inside Me
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
There are just too many greats to just choose a few.
Favourite Books
Foundation, Stranger In A Strange Land, 1984
Favourite Writers
HP Lovecraft, Robert Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov.
Favourite Games
Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect 1, Super Mario 64, Cards Against Humanity, Jenga
Favourite Gaming Platform
X-Box or PC but I also like Playstation and anything Nintendo.
Tools of the Trade
GIMP, PVA Glue, Bone Folder, X-acto Knife, Lots of different types of paper.
Other Interests
I enjoy graphic design, gaming, and reading science fiction novels. I also enjoy camping and spending time with friends and loved ones.
I'm trying to get my journals out there and noticed. I've had an Etsy shop for a while now and it has it's ups and downs. I love Etsy but I feel like the journals that I make might do better in another market. I started a shop on Storenvy a few days ago but a brand new store with no reviews or sales is a risky venture on the part of the shopper. I know I give good customer service. I have the Etsy reviews to prove it. Getting started in a new place is an uphill battle to get noticed before you ever make a sale. I just hope that Storenvy works out well. I was also thinking about Tictail. Their big advertising thing is their seamless integra...
anonymous's avatar
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Hello fellow Deviants,I thought I'd start off by making a journal entry to tell you a little about me. I've been making and selling books online for a while now. I love gaming and I enjoy making books inspired by my favorite games. A lot of people love the books I make but I have run into a few people who do not appreciate my creations. I understand that there is a fine line when it comes to copyrighted games and fan art.I put a lot of work into each of the pieces that I use as cover art for the journals and sketchbooks I make. The covers are inspired by aspects of movies, television shows, and video games but with my own creative elements...
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Profile Comments 11

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MovedAway324's avatar
Bloody Hell, Well Hello! :wave:  I'm Klu and welcome to DeviantArt!
Fool Emoji-47 (Star) [V5] A place where you can be yourself and not give a shit!sexy dance 
(to an extent anyways lol)
NotableLoot's avatar
Hi Klu! Thanks!
Dr-Pen's avatar
Hello and welcome to deviantart!
NotableLoot's avatar
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Dr-Pen's avatar
You're welcome and thanks for the watch!
Lintu47's avatar
Hello there and welcome to dA! :wave:
Here are two articles I find really handy for newcomers:
A Guide To Connecting And Sharing On DAWhat's this all about?
DeviantArt is a HUGE website and it's easy to feel invisible, especially if you're new. The aim of this guide is to help you start connecting with other artists and their work as well as sharing your own art and encouraging feedback and interaction. It would be impossible to cover absolutely everything in one journal, so consider it a starting point and get ready to go exploring! I've included a few helpful links under each section, so you can use these as springboards to help you bounce around and find out more.
:bulletred: Check out welcome for an introduction to DA
:bulletred: Introduce yourself in the Welcome Center forum

Get in the right mindset
The first thing to do is stop thinking simply in terms of what you want to get. DA, like a lot of places on the web, is a social experience. I
Getting Started on DeviantArtHello and welcome! :wave:
If you've found this guide, then there's a good possibility you are new to DeviantArt. If that is the case, then welcome to the internet's largest art community! If you're not new to the community, you might still be interested (especially if you scroll to the bottom). Over at DAWelcomeWagon, we're thrilled that you decided to become a member. The group page has many wonderful resources for you to take advantage of. There is even an associated chat room called :#welcome: for you to hang out in and meet some deviants ("deviants" are what we call DA's members) both new and old.
We don't want you to feel too confused while you're getting to know the website and community. It's a big place with countless ways to share your deviations (your creations) and find artwork to inspire you. So we put together this helpful Getting Started on DeviantArt guide to connect you will a number of helpful tutorials that will as

I hope you find them helpful as well :eager:
Have a great day and enjoy your stay :DALove: by Ikue
NotableLoot's avatar
Thank you so much!