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Lol, only click on these types of videos to look at the comments. If you hate it so much then why are you here?
to talk shit. they probably see rape then hate on it. I don’t blame them though. all that hentai rape and other weird genres aren’t right. you just gotta have the balls to admit with no bullshit. you tell any person in the real world you like this shit and no one with a brain is really gonna wanna deal with you unless they gotta compromise for some reason
Ban all rape in hentai/porn Japan and bring us uncensored pussy! That shit ain’t obscene! That pussy is fucking beautiful! \m/
If you’re gonna piss off anyone it should be these stupid rape lovers for real!
Man if only there was a portal that could take me to this hentai, I would fucking ass shit beat the fuck out of this fatass ugly shit, I’ll smash his fucking face against the wall until his face couldnt be recognized,I’ll cut off his fingers one by one and smash his fucking fatass ugly face using my fist until he fucking die! and hell fucking go to hell for raping
Okay hardass.
All people that loves and agrees with this are ugly as fuck i can tell and if not maybe its ok for you getting your girlfriend get fucked by some ugly fat ass shit looking bastard because thats how of a trash person you are, whoever made this hentai your disgusting as fuck, everyone who loves this shit of a trash mother fucking ugly fatass bastard is a fucking trash! If only i get the chance to enter a portal to this fucking hentai i would kick this fucking ugly bastards ass and torture that piece of shit! im going insane, i really dont like rape especially if its a fucking ugly fatass bastard that blackmails a girl so that he could rape her, Im so pissed off that I wanna fucking kill this shit of a fatass bastard
Same, btw how did you get here?
The only way to find this is if you searched by the rape tag or watch things similar soooooooo. Also you’re the one who watched the video. Its fake dumbass.
People shaming other people just because of their appearance, that’s fascism, that’s eroticism. Discrimination 101. Those high school girls shoplifted from his store and he’s making them do their punishment by working at the convenience store. And they’re both cunts that are insecure about themselves. They should be ashamed.
the rape thing u ppl neeed to chill they are fucking animated firstly secondly this is common and thirdly this is different from like the monster set like taimanin asagi this is just sick becuz a guy is screwing a high schooler but still they aren’t real ppl stop actin that way
Honestly it’s a bit concerning how some people defend the rape vids. I’m neutral as we have movies, TV shows, and games that have murder in them ,which depending on the person is worst, and yet it’s generally accepted.
I really hope this series ends with him either dead or locked up for life. I am glad I got no hard on from this because nothing about this was hot…
muito bom o hentai !
wtf? That cute girl fucked and raped by a fucking bastard it would be better if the one who rapped is the same age as her
well that same age guy will still be a fucking bastard just not the ephebophile statutory rape kind
Why the fuck are people are people on a rape video complaining about rape? Grow the fuck up and get the fuck out. 10+ other genres and 100+ other videos for your sorry virgin ass to wank off to.
Bitch please this shit is for losers
yo that’d be a pretty awesome lyrics, “grow the fuck up! get the fuck out!” this life will be resolved!
Shut the fffffffffuuuck up!
A rape video is bound to be attacked eventually. Don’t act surprised bitch. Anyone can anticipate that.
He’s scum. You can say whatever you please here. His mind is fucked up and that’s his fault. smh
How fucking low do you need to be to dedicate an account to “ending rape” on a hentai site where nothing is even fucking real? get a life, scum.
Betas please stop typing and get some real pussy.
Yeah stop having a one-way you selfish fucks!
Atleast it’s hentai rape. So I’m not as fucked up as I thought I was. Therefore I win. Fuck it. Jerk first, bitch at me later!
Fascinating how so many facts about hentai (in general) go unnoticed because you children are uneducated, but I guess that’s to be expected, after reading all the comments with my popcorn I want to point out some key details you kiddos have missed.
1. Most virgin girls can have sex for their first time without bleeding: This all comes down to lubrication, and any blood means you (ruptured) the hymen from being too rough or the girl was not ready, if you go to the third episode Yui (the friend) actually was turned on by the Antagonist spanking her, although I don’t think it was enough to not rupter her “cherry” it was at least accurate in terms of sexual intercourse.
2. Voices portrayed by younger women in hentai are always over 18: This is fairly self explanatory, there has been many TV shows, Movies, etc that depict underage luvidious conduct that “is wrong” PORTRAYED by young looking adults. At least most people’s brain is working I guess when they go, “Oh ew Rape is wrong” but your two cents is not needed, nor is your harassment to people that enjoy it. Get over it, like seriously. If you have as much energy giving your thoughts on how bad rape is, go harass your local rapist and see how well that works out for you.
3. She did steal, was blackmailed, but she also consented halfway through: Coersion is pretty bad, and the way he came on to her was cliche, but she did say “anything” if he didn’t even blackmail her, the legitimacy was her life was over. The harsh facts of real life dawn on people and turn them submissive to the ones who have dirt on them. An example I would use is actors/actresses trying to get into showbusiness having to do ANYTHING to get there, as it’s a very sought after profession with tons of sub-par people in it, if you see an awful actor or actress you should think in your head the misery they had to go through to even get there. The reality is, rape is a powerful genre that millions of people enjoy, I don’t knock on you for liking your half sister, wanting to fuck that cute girl from work, school etc etc, so don’t judge other people or fictitious art forms.
Back to my popcorn, remember it’s not real don’t get so worked up!
It’s better in fiction so at least having this fantasy will prevent people from harming real girls.
Cool story bro!
I’m seriously dying from laughter at all of these comments. Welcome to 2016, the year where everyone is offended by anyone, everything, and themselves.
I need to come back here again soon later to read these ironic, and hilarious comments that I’m reading.
Put some fight kick his balls
DAMN hate that guy
Leave for a year, come back and you whiny kids are still complaining about rape. Instead of taking a second to look at the genre. You show your immaturity and watch the video then complain about you not liking it because it had rape in it
Dude just watch and jerk. Nobody gives a fuck. It’s just a hentai, albeit a fucked up one, and people can love it or hate it.
Also anyone can just SEE rape in the Genres then proceed to type shit rather than just watch it then type shit. They complain about this shit, you complain about their shit. More cum and less shit people! lol
Should of happened during new year’s eve outside by black and arab men.
i have cum like 6 times on 4 hours my dick hurts lol