Stone Cthulhu FiguresCopperCentipede on DeviantArt

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CopperCentipede's avatar

Stone Cthulhu Figures



4 small Cthulhu figures carved from greenish black soapstone (with a lot of shiny crystal flecks). Each one is about 1" high and they were all carved from the same rectangular rod of stone. Two have wings folded behind and two have the wings wrapped around the sides. They were painted then wiped clean, save for the etched details, then coated with beeswax to bring out the color.

These were inspired by Egyptian amulets I saw in a museum once. Really like how they turned out.
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2000x1095px 420.52 KB
© 2013 - 2025 CopperCentipede
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roninblade7's avatar
That's really cool.