MMD PDFT Popipo Stage DownloadDan1024 on DeviantArt

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MMD PDFT Popipo Stage Download


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A very cute song with a cute bedroom stageHeart Ripped stage animation is included too! :D (Big Grin) :D (Big Grin)  Please use this stage for your videosHeart 

Star! Stage Download: 
Link1: YouTube
Link 2: BiliBili

Bullet; Green Stage Tutorial
1. Please load AutoLuminous.x into MMD at the very beginning, the sunlight will be luminated automatically
3. You can also apply ObjectLuminous and LightBloom for the skydome
4. There are 2 different animation file, 30fps that one is for REGULAR MMD, 60fps that one is ONLY FOR the MODDED 60fps MMD by minmode (You can download the 60FPS modded MMD in Flying-Spirit P's discord channel)
5. You may edit the parameters in the MES40 FX files if you want.
6. This stage ONLY supports the HgShadow by 針金, you can download it here:…

Bullet; Red Suggested MME: 
AutoLuminous (by そぼろ):…  
Lightbloom (by Rui):…
HgShadow (by 針金):…
HgSSAO (by 針金):…
Bullet; Blue Rules:
1. MUST credit SEGA when you use!
2. No R18 usage
3. No commercial usage
4. Please credit me (Dan1024), and SEGA when you are using it

Bullet; Yellow Credits:
Modelling and textures: :iconsegaplz: SEGA
Ripping script: :iconminmode: minmode, Skyth, Rich Whitehouse, Chrrox
Fx: :iconkhoast40: khoast40 (MES40)
Ripping & Stage Animation: :icondan1024: Dan1024

MME used in this rendering: AutoLuminous4, ObjectLuminous, LightBloom, HgShadow, HgSSAO, KiraKira_Z
Image size
3840x2160px 5.62 MB
© 2022 - 2025 Dan1024
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