Rathalos, The Wyvern KingVagrant-Verse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vagrant-verse/art/Rathalos-The-Wyvern-King-165187378Vagrant-Verse

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Rathalos, The Wyvern King



Just felt like doing some Monster Hunter stuff, so I figured, why not go with the most iconic monster of the series, (also one of the hardest to draw), the Rathalos.

I could give a short bio on it, classification and what-not, but until I get the template done, it will simply stay as simple fanart.

I am considering a MH related project on here in the not so distant future, so when I get around to the next Monster of the series, what would you as fans like to see next? I'd prefer you kept it limited to first-gen. monsters for now, since I want to try to do them in some semblance of order.

Enjoy, I sure did. :D
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2100x1500px 1.46 MB
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